We take care of your needs.
We regard long-term customer relationships as very important and we do everything we can to turn you from a satisfied customer into a delighted customer – with a range of deep hole drilling machines that we feel is one of the best on the market and service that will stand up to any comparison. From service that's completely tailored to suit your needs to standardised maintenance packages – with Tibo you'll get exactly the services that you want. Since all current machine models can be remotely accessed, many service requirements can now also be efficiently met online in terms of time. If required, we can also be with you on your premises at very short notice - anywhere in the world.

Long term optimal operation.
To guarantee the constant process reliability of your Tibo deep hole drilling machines, we can offer you annual maintenance contracts as well as maintenance services that are tailored individually to your requirements. In these we will put your machines through an in-depth inspection and will replace parts that are critical to the process in good time before they reach their limits of wear.
Regular maintenance intervals make an important contribution towards the fault-free operation of your Tibo deep hole drilling machines, thereby ensuring that unexpected downtimes are almost impossible.
We would be happy to put together the right service package for you – just contact us!
Express delivery programme.
It doesn‘t get any faster.
With standard delivery times of between 4 and 6 months, Tibo is one of the quickest in the industry thanks to the modular system.
If you need your deep hole drilling machine even sooner, we recommend that you take a look at our express delivery programme: Here you will find a range of deep hole drilling machines that can be preassembled for common tasks, and if necessary set up within a short time to do what you need them to do.
List with currently available express machines
Or simply send us your machine enquiry with the key words Express Delivery, and we will look to see the date by which we can guarantee a delivery.

Machine enquiry.
Which power is needed for your new deep hole drilling machine?
Please use this form to make an initial machine enquiry. Normally, one of our staff will contact you within the next 24 hours.
Use the "Send file" button to also send a diagram or more detailed specifications should you wish to do so. In the "Other" box for example, you can state whether you are interested in an express delivery, or pass on to us any other special information.
Here you will find our latest product brochures along with user reports, news and press releases to download.

Press releases

TIBO Tiefbohrtechnik GmbH is based in new premises in Pfullingen as of 01.01.16.

Gehring cooperates with Tibo – The two specialists offer Honing and Deep Hole Drilling from one source

The 51-year-old Diplom-Kaufmann Jost Eppinger has been serving as Managing Director of TIBO Tiefbohrtechnik GmbH.
Press images

Here is a selection of images available for reporting about the world of Tibo Tiefbohrtechnik.
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