Tibo is moving.
New site, new brand image.
TIBO Tiefbohrtechnik GmbH is based in new premises in Pfullingen as of 01.01.16. It is a return to the roots for the Mittelstand company, which is taking the opportunity to overhaul its brand image at the same time.
"Our old premises in next-door Lichtenstein-Unterhausen had simply got too small", admits Jost Eppinger, managing director of Tibo Tiefbohrtechnik. "Demand for our machinery has been increasing continuously for years, so this step was really overdue." Now the deep drilling specialist has not only expanded, but also invested in its infrastructure – so a new overhead crane will contribution to optimising the production process, for example.
But that isn't all that's changing at Tibo: to accompany the move the company also decided to give its appearance a makeover. "Our previous corporate design just didn't fit with our identity as an innovative, efficient, high-tech company any more", explains Eppinger. "Our new brand image is much clearer and more progressive, which emphasises this identity."